99 Problems and a Pitch Ain’t One April 29, 2017October 22, 2020 Paul BeakleyLeave a comment 99 Problems and a Pitch Ain't One Share this: Facebook Reddit Twitter Tumblr Pinterest Email Like this: Like Loading...
Paul’s R-Map Method April 28, 2017February 16, 2021 Paul Beakley39 Comments Paul's R-Map Method Share this: Facebook Reddit Twitter Tumblr Pinterest Email Like this: Like Loading...
R-Map Revisioning January 17, 2017June 23, 2020 Paul BeakleyLeave a comment R-Map Revisioning Share this: Facebook Reddit Twitter Tumblr Pinterest Email Like this: Like Loading...
How I Pitch RPGs December 1, 2016April 14, 2021 Paul BeakleyLeave a comment A very rough taxonomy of how I pitch RPGs to folks who don't know them. Share this: Facebook Reddit Twitter Tumblr Pinterest Email Like this: Like Loading...
What. Does. It. Look. Like. November 3, 2016April 14, 2021 Paul BeakleyLeave a comment What. Does. It. Look. Like. Share this: Facebook Reddit Twitter Tumblr Pinterest Email Like this: Like Loading...