The other day someone in the IGRC Slack talked about getting (back) into roleplaying recently and landing in OSR territory. But now he wanted to learn more about “storygaming.” Whatever that is! I’m deeply uninterested in staking a flag for anyone else. For my purposes, all storygaming means to me is post-trad play that is… Continue reading Games That Broke My Brain
Tag: Fiasco
Vibing and the Fine Art of Telling
Guest Column: The Healing Power of Playing Make Believe
The healing power of children’s laughter is undisputed. I was reminded of this on a recent opportunity to escape my quarantine, since coronavirus shut down cities across the United States. I went to the beach and was moved to tears by my friend’s willingness to touch me, and because of the intensity of joy radiating… Continue reading Guest Column: The Healing Power of Playing Make Believe
On-Ramps for Indie Hatchlings
A cold hard fact from the Indie Game Reading Club: you can explore and play ttrpgs without ever mentioning, buying, reading, or playing the most popular game. Our hobby is so much more interesting and diverse than D&D. My list of on-ramps for the indie-curious: Fiasco (new card-driven version or OG): use prompts to sketch… Continue reading On-Ramps for Indie Hatchlings
The Secret Indie Underbelly of RinCon
My alternate clickbait-y title was The Sordid Secret Small Press Scene at RinCon. I kind of wish it actually was any of those things, but it's not: we just wrapped up RinCon, a very mainstream, lovely, family-friendly gaming convention in Tucson, Arizona. And I played a bunch of small-press stuff while I was there. RinCon… Continue reading The Secret Indie Underbelly of RinCon