Paul Beakley
I founded the Indie Game Reading Club in 2010. I've written and developed RPGs since the mid-90s, now I mostly talk about playing them.
Holy wow, hey James! It'll be nice to catch up. I'm really wide open, whatever you were already thinking about…
On Dreamation 2019 Plans!
Hey, that's a sharp idea. How do you work out costs/tempo?
On 2018 Roundup
Are you coming to Dreamation? 😉 Someday I'd very much like to produce a video. It's one of the value-add…
On Dreamation 2019 Plans!
Well, it's like any other buy-in, yeah? If you're into it, then the grind is the challenge, and it's what…
On Forbidden Lands: Session 1
Oh hey, quick clarification: the Blood Mist was this curse that blanketed the land for 300 years, and it lifted…
On Forbidden Lands: Session 1