Paul Beakley
I founded the Indie Game Reading Club in 2010. I've written and developed RPGs since the mid-90s, now I mostly talk about playing them.
A lot about Godbound only becomes apparent when you start playing the game. I went back a few weeks and…
On Certain Values of Fun
Being pushed into a lone-wolf position is a super interesting point and I hadn't considered it. Thank you for sharing…
On A very short post about lone wolves
I'm jealous of your regular crew, Adam! Mine would so not. Maybe I'm being unfair.
On NewMexiCon Wrapup
Oh no, I love these kinds of replies! Honestly I've been worried that engagement on the blog has seemed low…
On My Storygame Bucket List
Oh yeah, also surprised. I got to play The Mountain Witch at Dreamation last month and I eagerly backed the…
On My Storygame Bucket List
Sure! The short version is, Mutant: Year Zero does a few things right that they failed to replicate in their…
On Recalibrating
Thank you Nick!
On Fiddling While Rome Burns or Drawing the Magic Circle Anew (probably both: Forbidden Lands session 4)
Thank you! I hope so.
On Glossary of Terms
Then I think it's just the module-type content that does not click with me. Everyone's enjoying what emerges from the…
On Push Me, Pull You
Oh good question, Chris. Hm. So the core (screwed up) economy in Coriolis is Darkness Points, yeah? And the push…
On Forbidden Lands: Session 1