Today, I'm working with a client who is setting up a series of brief questionnaires to give customers who take their...
Well friends, it’s finally time. I know there’s a lot of Kickstarters out there right now but I can’t wait any…
Well friends, it's finally time. I know there's a lot of Kickstarters out there right now but I can't wait any...
Oh my heart! There’s a backer level that gets you a canvas print of a piece of art from the rulebook. It’s my…
Oh my heart! There's a backer level that gets you a canvas print of a piece of art from the rulebook. It's my...
Roses and Thorns and Applause
Primetime Adventures has fan mail. Burning Wheel offers inducements for specific kinds of positive player behavior (embodiment, workhorse, etc.). There are others of course, but those popped into my head. Economic incentives are great and usually (!) actually incentivize. But you know what always incentivizes? Other people.