I got to scratch a big title off my storygame bucket list last weekend. I came to the storygame/indiegame thing late-ish. The first game I'd call "nonconventional" (because I think terms like "storygame" and "indiegame" are invitations to pointless arguments, and "narrativist" drives me into a fury) was Burning Empires in 2006. Loved it, hated… Continue reading My Storygame Bucket List
Pattern Completion and Intermittent Rewards
The greatest gaming lab ever created is the Las Vegas casino industry. That lab's most significant finding is that humans crave two things in games: pattern completion and intermittent rewards. I've been thinking lately about how my favorite games leverage both of those monkey-level impulses. In particular, I've been thinking about how the very best… Continue reading Pattern Completion and Intermittent Rewards
By Aecer’s Light! Back it!
My buddy Jahmal Brown is running his first ever Kickstarter as part of their Zine Quest promotion, an adventure/campaign/culture booklet for Burning Wheel (and Dungeon World, via stretch goal by Johnstone Metzger) called By Aecer's Light! It's a setting, a cultural writeup, and a campaign frame all in one. The cool angle to the whole thing,… Continue reading By Aecer’s Light! Back it!
Soth is an amazing game
And Soth creator Steve Hickey is doing something awesome during the Kickstarter for the reprint. Update #9: Soth will support the people of Christchurch.
Has it really been a month since I last posted? I swear, there's something about running the Indie Game Reading Club Slack channel that consumes whatever bandwidth I used to have to make longer posts. By the way: if you're riding out the GPlus diaspora along with the rest of us, drop me a line if you… Continue reading Recalibrating