Invisible Sun: The Key

Invisible Sun’s rules, buried under a pile of cards and props and other assorted goodies, are broken up across four big square hardbacks. The how-to-unpack slip of paper instructs us to start with The Key, which is entirely devoted to character creation. It’s intended to be used by and shared with the players; I think… Continue reading Invisible Sun: The Key

The Indie Game Reading Club Presents: #OnRampJam

We're hosting our first ever game design jam at It's not a competition! Not really. We'll talk about the submissions we find interesting, and I'm going to pull Club members in to help out. Should be a lot of fun! The theme of this, our first, jam is: how would you show (not tell!)… Continue reading The Indie Game Reading Club Presents: #OnRampJam

Coming Soon: Invisible Sun (as a game and social artifact)

As Google Plus was dying, I thought long and hard about how to carry the Indie Game Reading Club forward. I joked in passing about writing an in-depth series about Invisible Sun, infamous for being $250, huge, and intimidating. And then a patron stepped forward and very generously offered to back it for me. This… Continue reading Coming Soon: Invisible Sun (as a game and social artifact)

Four Short Reviews From The Nightstand

It's been a while since I just straight up reported on what I'm reading, so here are four short reviews from recent arrivals. They are listed in order of personal hype for the game, from low to high. Hack the Planet: Cyberpunk Forged in the Dark Hack the Planet arrived yesterday from Samjoko Publishing. I… Continue reading Four Short Reviews From The Nightstand

Trad and the Planning Fugue vs What does that look like?

We’re still playing Godbound here and I’ve noticed the most interesting table phenomenon. I think it has to do with the OSR-style framework the game is built on and the players’ relationship with it. I’m going to poke at that. This week’s session, we introduced a fifth player to the game. Five is a lot,… Continue reading Trad and the Planning Fugue vs What does that look like?