Matt Snyder's Dust Devils was the first RPG in the storygame style I really "got." I'm going to run it for the first time in more than a decade (!!!) at RinCon in a few weeks, so I refreshed myself on the rules the other night. It's quite a dive into the earliest ideas of… Continue reading Dust Devils: Blast from the Past
Clocks: Forged in the Dark’s Underappreciated Killer App
Apocalypse World introduced the word “clocks” to storygaming. Ye olde AW clocks were checklists of escalating narrative events. The MC could tick a slice of that clock and the event associated with that tick would happen. Or if the listed event happened, the MC could advance the clock to that point. AW clocks are prescriptive… Continue reading Clocks: Forged in the Dark’s Underappreciated Killer App
Another Band of Blades Resource
Tonight is our third session of Band of Blades. The Legion is headed up the Long Road and it's gonna be awful. Just awful. 😉 Anyway, I made another resource for my players and wanted to share this with you. They're printable tent cards for the squads, basically replicating the functionality of the Marshal's character… Continue reading Another Band of Blades Resource
Band of Blades and What Even is Forged in the Dark?
Today I offer you three short posts for the price of one. Had an interesting conversation with a prominent indie game publisher/designer recently. It came on the heels of our second "full" session of Band of Blades, which has been on my mind a lot lately. The core of the discussion was, basically, what is… Continue reading Band of Blades and What Even is Forged in the Dark?
#OnRampJam Takeaways
I’ve read all 20 submissions to the #onrampjam. Everything submitted was interesting, and the spread of ideas about what roleplaying is is wild. I strongly encourage you to read the submissions when you get a chance. These are my big-picture takeaways after reading everything. Still working on getting Club folks to put their $0.02 in… Continue reading #OnRampJam Takeaways