This is one in a series I've been doing about Invisible Sun from Monte Cook Games. Click here to see everything I've written about the game up to now. Last night was our first actual play session of Invisible Sun. I’m going to write some thoughts down before we play, and swing back around to… Continue reading Prep never survives contact with the players
Invisible Sun: Setup and Session 1 is A Lot
Last night, for our final gathering of 2019, my Tuesday night game group made characters for next year’s Invisible Sun game. It was…A Lot. We might be done? I’m not really sure. I started an online game with some folks in my Slack two weeks ago, and they’re still not quite done. After going through… Continue reading Invisible Sun: Setup and Session 1 is A Lot
Con Prep and the Unexamined Life
Indie Game Reading Club 2019: A Retrospective
Hello and welcome, welcome. It’s been a busy year! So let’s go over it all. Please read to the end, where I announce the launch of my Patreon. 🙂 2019: Games Played My two main themes of 2019 were fewer, longer runs at home and more conventions. I usually only make two conventions a year,… Continue reading Indie Game Reading Club 2019: A Retrospective
Invisible Sun: The Path
I’ve been slowly going through Invisible Sun, book by book, digging into it in as detailed a way as possible. Read the first installment of this series if you want to catch up. Caught up? Great. Let’s move on to The Path, where the “truth” of the game’s setting is revealed to the GM. This… Continue reading Invisible Sun: The Path