In the final weeks of Google Plus, a very generous patron backed the Kickstarter for Invisible Sun’s reprint for me. I promised I’d do a deep dive of the game, and the result has been my very deepest dive. Everything I've written about Invisible Sun is tagged here. This is my final post (available in… Continue reading Invisible Sun: A Wrap-up
The King is Dead
I made a thing.
A Decade of Indie Roleplaying: 2013
Another week, another year looking back at the 20-teens and what they brought to small press roleplaying. To recap the games I've focused on so far: 2010 was Apocalypse World, 2011 was Burning Wheel Gold, 2012 was Monsterhearts. All huge games. But 2013 brought one of my all-time favorites, which I continue to play today.… Continue reading A Decade of Indie Roleplaying: 2013
OrcCon 2020
Los Angeles, February 2020: we've tracked the replicants to a hotel near the spaceport. It appears they're engaging in some sort of imaginary rituals, or maybe rituals of imagination. It's like they're creating ... memories? Very special. My buddy and podcast rock star MadJay Brown and I were invited as special guests to OrcCon 2020.… Continue reading OrcCon 2020
A Decade of Indie Roleplaying: 2012
Still working my way through the last decade of small press, indie, and storygaming. Last week I hit 2011. 2012 was a big one too. Monsterhearts Challenging, beautifully written, makes no attempts at being everyone's favorite. An undeniably important game-as-statement. Monsterhearts 2, the latest edition, is available through DriveThruRPG. 2012: Monsterhearts One of the first… Continue reading A Decade of Indie Roleplaying: 2012