I’ve been elbow-deep into Forged in the Dark games here for the past several months. I ran Court of Blades for the IGRC online convention in December, and now I’m several sessions into the excellent second edition of a|state from Handiwork Games. Right now I think it’s best in class on many fronts, the current… Continue reading Hammers In The Night: FitD 101
Excerpt: The Ink That Bleeds
How To Play Immersive Journaling Games Editor's note: This is an experiment for The Indie Game Reading Club! It's an excerpt from Paul Czege's upcoming zine, The Ink That Bleeds. It's all about his extensive delve into solo journaling games over the past couple years, both a reflection on the medium and a practical how-to… Continue reading Excerpt: The Ink That Bleeds
A Tale Of Two (and a half) Trophies
When is a game “published” anyway? Is that even the right word these days? “Released?” I’m old-fashioned. In my dumb head, a game isn’t really out in the world until there’s a dead-tree book available for purchase. Even if 80% of my new game purchases are PDF. Like I said: dumb head. There are two… Continue reading A Tale Of Two (and a half) Trophies
Hello Friends (and another podcast is up)
Hey folks. You've probably noticed I went silent for a couple months. It wasn't on purpose, but it was the culmination of stuff both within and outside my control. Been thinking a lot about the work I/we do here, goals and the overall environment of gaming talk. Two big realizations have recently shifted my thinking… Continue reading Hello Friends (and another podcast is up)
(Not A) Trophy Gold Review: Guest Column
This is ostensibly a review of Trophy Gold from Jesse Ross (Hedgemaze Press) and Gauntlet Publishing. But it’s not a very good review. It will not rate the cover art (okay) or the quality of the rules (great, actually) but instead, it will say some slightly pretentious things and then end abruptly. I didn’t get… Continue reading (Not A) Trophy Gold Review: Guest Column