Love it all! I absolutely think the same way at the table about mastering the fundamental unit of play, the…
On Transaction, the
I have it, but haven't even read the rules yet. I also have TEW, tried reading the rules, didn't get…
On Tiny Epic Zombies
Amen to lazy editing/writing/playtesting. After TED2E and TEZ i'm done with Tiny Epic :(. i love the format but hate…
On Tiny Epic Zombies
Larry Lade TusCon still exists, and does have a gaming room, though it has dwindled in RPG presence over the…
On RinCon 2018
Ron Blessing that's terrific news and I'm so happy to hear that.
On RinCon 2018
Paul Beakley we are already considering more tables for the Arcade. SAGA/RinCon are committed to this branch of the RPG…
On RinCon 2018
Paul Beakley I'd love to hear at some point how you start things out when facilitating The King is Dead…
On RinCon 2018
Nope, I think I thinking of TusCon
On RinCon 2018
Larry Lade you may be thinking of NewMexicon.
On RinCon 2018
I need to get down there one of these years. Didn't this used to be a little later in the…
On RinCon 2018