So far, about 10% of the external pledges on my active (tiny) space opera RPG kickstarter are from G+, but…
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…
Not sorted by way of how they came to pledge per platform, just by reward tier overall. $40 level was…
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…
I don't doubt you Fraser, but personally I've made lots of sales via conversations on G+ and none on FB.…
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…
Any analysis of backer level per platform?
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…
Yep. You need to be on Facebook to get your stuff visible. Hack the Planet really drove that home for…
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…
I strongly suspect Facebook is the "serious" answer for publishers and anyone else monetizing their gaming.
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…
For Hack the Planet its an even split for people who pledged via functions on the KS website vs other…
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…
I gotta agree. The part I'm most worried about is the amount of resources and knowledge that will probably be…
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…
Fraser Simons oh that's interesting! Can you share your traffic data?
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…
Doubt it will be too bad. This place is basically an echo chamber at this point. My Kickstart metrics show…
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…