Has Forbidden Lands started shipping yet? I didn’t back it because it was just too much all things considered but…
On Scumday Wedneday
I went through a very similar debrief after 7 or so sessions of Blades. I had been trying to line…
On Scumday Wedneday
I hope it's moving and not closing. You have a lot of insight. My experience running longer-form blades/forged games is…
On Scumday Wedneday
Mark Delsing session 8 or 9 and, yeah, it's been going a while. JC Nau me too! Trying to find…
On Scumday Wedneday
Really really hope it will be a "moving shop" kind of deal. Love reading your stuff.
On Scumday Wedneday
I would hate to see IGRC close shop. Isn't this your 5th or 6th session? That's about when you move…
On Scumday Wedneday
Adam Day certainly it will mostly cut off my exposure to a lot of gaming related media and small press…
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…
14% of Seco Creek pledges came from G+, the second highest percentage after the 19% "other." So yeah, I'd be…
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…
As a pure consumer, my exposure to small, indie RPGs has been almost entirely linked to G+. The only other…
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…
So far, about 10% of the external pledges on my active (tiny) space opera RPG kickstarter are from G+, but…
On My initial thought is that shutting down Plus is gonna have a nontrivial negative impact on small press game…