I think it's cool that even if you Find A Bunch Of Common Ground with everyone in another family that…
On Legacy 2e
Paul Beakley what can I say? For me IGRC isn't just where you post your thoughts, but a jumping off…
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Yeah, that's a really good way of looking at it Christian Griffen
On Legacy 2e
Aha, the Microscope comparison really makes sense to me. Also, that sounds a lot like the Game of Thrones TV…
On Legacy 2e
I agree with your assessment that it's not nearly as character driven as other PbtA. That's the main habit we…
On Legacy 2e
I can't believe Mitchener is getting so much mileage out of this post! 😀
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Paul Mitchener Well-recalled! I should really get myself booked for Dragonmeet.
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Mamading Ceesay I recommend the experience. I enjoy the Sheffield cons for this (and I'm now unbiased since I handed…
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Paul Mitchener Now I need to run some con games or at least play in some!
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4. I go to quite a few local conventions with under 100 people. Lots of regular attendees are gaming friends…
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