Wilhelm Fitzpatrick as seen on West World! Interesting theory, almost impossible to prove. Didn't say anything on gender roles as…
On Neanderthal
Neanderthal is heavily influenced by Julian Jaynes' Bicameralism, which is... controversial science. en.wikipedia.org - Bicameralism (psychology) - Wikipedia From a…
On Neanderthal
Right, it is! But like...you're acquiring daughters. To help your tribe evolve. It's not like...badly problematic. I mean jeez, it's…
On Neanderthal
Funny, when I read it I thought how interesting it was that it was all centered on women. As I…
On Neanderthal
Paul needs a business manager!
On Small announcement
"One Big Dashboard of Only The Things I Care About" is my ideal social network. Heck, it's practically my ideal…
On This morning I discovered I completely missed a Kickstarter for an expansion of a game I really like.
Can I integrate my pledge manager manager into my social media platform platform? One big dashboard of only the things…
On This morning I discovered I completely missed a Kickstarter for an expansion of a game I really like.
Wherever Paul goes, there go I, because half my time on G+ is just scanning stuff until the next PaulPost.…
On Small announcement
There's clearly a market for a pledge manager manager website.
On This morning I discovered I completely missed a Kickstarter for an expansion of a game I really like.
Paul Beakley There doesn't seem to be much gaming talk on Medium, no. I really like the interface, and I…
On Small announcement