Damn I wanted this so bad. Such a good find
On Mighty Old Empires
HOLY GUACAMOLE! The box I inherited has a bunch of the expansion pieces. They're gorgeous. Pristine. Oh my word. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/YDb0uRfgcKd9SbSSg7v8G0oHUtjYKyNv5lm624I1EwTWA5kTEoORuntQpO6ndWUxb6AOUcCk8M9-0ewHKqcKqziqaFU2_PRYq_4=s0
On Mighty Old Empires
I backed this largely based on your enthusiasm. If you want to run it via the Interwebs, I'm in.
On Oh man, such mixed feelings.
I love the setting. I love the system. But... there seem to be a glitch in there somewhere that makes…
On Oh man, such mixed feelings.
I know I'll buy it once it's on the post-KS distro market. I never liked the mechanics or the splatter…
On Oh man, such mixed feelings.
Yeah 3rd version and yet to get it to the table.
On Oh man, such mixed feelings.
Yes! Means mine is on the way too! I haven't read much of it but the art in the pdf…
On Oh man, such mixed feelings.
Come over and we can play. 😉
On Oh man, such mixed feelings.
Very interested in your thoughts when you get the chance to digest it.
On Oh man, such mixed feelings.
On Oh man, such mixed feelings.