Patrick Marchiodi The artwork is definitely quite pretty. 😉
On It is completely ridiculous that I’m even looking at this. What the actual fudge, me?
Oh sorry Emily Vitori, I didn't intend you could be interested in the product, i was just referring to the…
On It is completely ridiculous that I’m even looking at this. What the actual fudge, me?
Patrick Marchiodi I think it's 5th Edition. The artwork is definitely gorgeous... but alas buying another version of D&D is…
On It is completely ridiculous that I’m even looking at this. What the actual fudge, me?
5th Edition
On It is completely ridiculous that I’m even looking at this. What the actual fudge, me?
Wow, i definitely love those illustration. Maybe it's something Emily Vitori would appreciate? btw, what edition is this? I don't…
On It is completely ridiculous that I’m even looking at this. What the actual fudge, me?
> That can be really powerful in terms of generating unexpected/unwanted outcomes but it's not "safe" in the same way.…
On Zero Sum Games and the Magic Circle
On Zero Sum Games and the Magic Circle
This is me reminding myself to come back to this later. It is hitting a ping on my radar about…
On Zero Sum Games and the Magic Circle
Does that help?
On Zero Sum Games and the Magic Circle
You totally rock, Paul.
On Zero Sum Games and the Magic Circle