Thanks Paul! Your thoughtful analysis has given me much food for thought and ideas for house rules, especially around character…
On Invisible Sun: A Wrap-up
Paul, I've been keenly following your GM adventures with Invisible Sun and have to admit that I'm a little bummed…
On Invisible Sun: A Wrap-up
Lonely Fun & Scene Economy are also intriguing! Maybe Sockets, too. 'Cause, wut?
On Glossary of Terms
Man… so many of these I’d love to see… especially Shadow Con and Designer not Included.
On Glossary of Terms
Very interesting! I think Aspects in Fate are another good example of Flags, especially combined with the Compel system. You’re…
On Raise a Flag
Another game that handles flags really well is Legends of Wu-Lin. It's very much a game about living in a…
On Raise a Flag
Speaking as a Trad games guy, have you considered that your players are doing what they find interesting or fun…
On Trad and the Planning Fugue vs What does that look like?
What lead to #46?
On 50 Lessons About Roleplaying
Wow! This has not been my experience at all. I’ve had many people ask when the expansions are coming out…
On Band of Blades: A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again
Right the hell on. Tiny Dragons is one of the best games.
On Zine Quest!