I find your blog to be excellent!. I enjoyed this post enough to comment, and not just because it is…
On Characters In Transformation
Hmmm, this feels like a niche Sage of the Icelanders could fulfil well?
On Vignettes
Thought provoking post- most enjoyable. Cheers, Pete.
On Interesting Tension
Cool overview! I don’t think I cleanly fall into either camp, mostly because I see social conflict systems as a…
On The Cudgel and the Contract
I really need to modify this for Scum & Villainy...
On Band of Blades: Position/Effect Cheat Sheet
How would I go about modifying this cheat sheet for SCUM & VILLAINY?
On Band of Blades: Position/Effect Cheat Sheet
Thank you for being of the RPG LARP world. Big Bad Con really showed me how much power we have…
On Guest Column: The Healing Power of Playing Make Believe
Thanks Robert, you are very kind!
On Guest Column: The Healing Power of Playing Make Believe
Thank you for putting into words some of the emotion and heart and soul that is what so many of…
On Guest Column: The Healing Power of Playing Make Believe
I’ve seen your impressive improv skills but didn’t expect they could be seamlessly woven into a wonderful essay
On Guest Column: The Healing Power of Playing Make Believe