Which RPG have you played the most since August 2016?

Which RPG have you played the most since August 2016?

Good thing I’m neurotic about talking through my sessions! Here’s my tally, which unfortunately is a mix of running and playing:

Space Wurm vs Moonicorn 11
Sagas of the Icelanders 7
Mutant: Genlab Alpha 6
No Thank You, Evil! 5
Headspace 2
Paul’s Secret Project (Monstrous) 2
The Sprawl 1
Seco Creek Vigilance Committee 1
Mars 244 1
Meridian 1
Soth 1
Zombie World 1
Primetime Adventures 1
3:16 (Fury Road hack) 1
Sorcerer (Dictionary of Mu) 1
Undying 1
Inheritance 1
Urban Shadows 1
Fate (Star Wars!) 1
Fallout Shelter (PbtA/lego hack) 1
Torchbearer 1
Dungeon Crawl Classics 1 too many

Pretty good year!

#rpgaday2017 #rpgaday

0 thoughts on “Which RPG have you played the most since August 2016?”

  1. 11 sessions of Space Wurm v. Moonicorn?!

    I find that most PbtA games hit their pinnacle around 10-13 sessions. Is this trend continued in SWvM?

  2. Phil Lewis I was having fun in that room with those people!

    Judd Karlman dunno why not. Christian Griffen ran it for me at BigBadCon last October.

    Colin Matter it for sure does, by design I think. We didn’t pull the trigger on the big finale but it would have come on session #12. (One of the sessions listed was a one-shot at NewMexicon this past April…May? Whenever it was).

  3. I know I’ve got one lined up for this coming March and if the dollar stays reasonable I may try and get back to GenCon or try Origins this year.

  4. Chris Groff but you’re right, and I need to remind myself that I’ve played 49 roleplaying sessions in the past year. No reason to feel bummed out when I miss a week (and there are all those boardgames to play as well).

  5. Nathan Roberts pretty terrible but the guy went crazy with the props and prep. Playwise it fell flat for me but I think that wasn’t the point.

  6. I was reading through this list and was all like “Oh, this is a great list of stuff!”

    Then I got to your secret project aaaaaaaand… I might be working on something that seems like it might have a similar name? Could you hit me up? I would feel gutted if I released something with a name that you were planning on using. Just email me at mposullivan1978 at gmail when you have a free minute.

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