Very, very cool. Please be good!
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Published by Paul Beakley
I founded the Indie Game Reading Club in 2010. I've written and developed RPGs since the mid-90s, now I mostly talk about playing them. View all posts by Paul Beakley
Sweet, it’s for PS4!
That is a fun little teaser video. I would watch a whole movie of that.
This is one of those rare moments when I wish I owned a console thingy.
Crap, ONLY PS4? Ah well.
Not what the site says! PC, Xbox, PS4.
Top of the Wishlist, you go.
Ah yeah baby. I never got into X-Com, but I can see myself sinking time into this.
In my experience, anything that’s every sold itself as “like XCOM!” doesn’t really understand what makes XCOM special (no judgement, for the most part, even Fixaris doesn’t either) and the game ends up not being very good. What little they show here seems no different.
I’m always hopeful! Though I still have to play through XCOM 2, Xenonauts, and Hard West.