Sounds like you’ve forgotten a lot of the things you learned from other BWHQ games.
Your characters don’t like some element of the game fiction? Set out to change it! A town treats your psychotic murder hobos like psychotic murder hobos? Change their minds. Make friends. Show them that you rootless vagabonds actually do have a place in a well-ordered society.
The world is set against you. Your parents couldn’t secure you a respectable apprenticeship. The family farm is gone. You have no place in the world except the one you can make for yourself. And you’re different than normal people. Your parents and friend will help you if they can, but no one else will stick their necks out for you. So what’s it going to be? What will you do to earn a place and respect (or burn it all down)?
Need to go to town to recover but don’t have any money? Go. Live it up. Run up your lifestyle. Stay in a hotel. Use all the services the town has to offer. Then try to sneak out without paying your bills. Sure, they won’t have you back and will probably send some leg breakers after you, but what do you care? You’re rootless vagabonds.
You don’t need a ton of depth and prep. Yes, you need to create a sketchy map, and put some places on it, but you don’t need to know anything about them. You need one place and its problem. Play that. Roleplay. Ham it up. Worry about the other stuff later, when it’s actually poised to enter the game. Let the world grow organically as play demands it.
Embrace the randomness. When you get a random result on a table, don’t just perfunctorily introduce it to the game. Think about it for a moment. How can you use it dramatically? Use it to inspire your imagination. It is an RPG after all.