Paul Beakley There’s a particular mathematical strategy that is very effective in town. It is spelled out nowhere. It is left for the players to figure out based on rule references scattered throughout the book.

Until they figure it out, town is this awful cutthroat collectivist nightmare where the players have to fight each other over scarce needed resources. It’s genuinely stressful!

I’m not going to spell it out either, because I think it is done this way by design. One of many tests of player skill put into the game so the players can feel proud of themselves when they figure it out.

Yeah, the thing where you’re not supposed to role-play in town sounds cool in theory (I’m in the aggrieved “God dammit can we stop fucking around on shopping adventures and get on with the quest?!” camp of RPG play) but gets awkward when someone fails a test which creates an interesting roleplay complication.

Jesse Coombs If I have to look at that skill factor chart every 5 minutes I have already lost.