Is it possible that I’m the only person for which this is true, but the tone of AW of “other games are not a conversation” is exactly why I took so readily to it. At the time that I was first exposed to AW, I had almost quit RPGs altogether, because (with notably rare exceptions) all I knew were trad games and I had grown completely dissatisfied with the way many of them played.

So when Vincent came around and said (to paraphrase), “this game isn’t like those. We’re not going to worry so much about the minutia of time or who’s exact turn it is. People will get to talk or do things when it makes sense for them to do so, and if it sometimes gets a little messy, or if people sometimes talk over each other…that’s ok. We’ll figure it out.” That was a mini-revelation to me because it gave me a lot more freedom to talk or act in ways that made sense rather than having to wait for my specific turn.