TFW you suspect you’ve over-curated your social media because some kind of hell has broken loose in gamerland and I…

TFW you suspect you’ve over-curated your social media because some kind of hell has broken loose in gamerland and I have nooooo idea what’s up.

I mean I can guess. It seems to always emerge from the same scene about the same issues.

If someone wants to PM me so I can hate-read that might be fun. For certain values of fun.

0 thoughts on “TFW you suspect you’ve over-curated your social media because some kind of hell has broken loose in gamerland and I…”

  1. It’s the usual toxic turds trying to start a gamergate movement for D&D. It’s so pathetic even the second tier toxic turds are distancing themselves from it.

  2. I’ve been seeing the posts about the flash back to it, but not the original source. Looks like I have my circles setup correctly.

  3. I had no idea what happened but someone mentioned Mr.T. and, well, he’s a bigot lunatic. Seriously, who the hell believes someone calling oneself Pundit writes online honestly?

  4. Aaron Griffin I think I’m pretty well OSR connected and I had no idea what this was until I followed that tag and scrolled down a while. It’s just Pundit and his audience as far as I can tell.

  5. Paolo Greco And a lot of cool lookin’ doors.

    This is also a perfect example of why I’m not on Twitter – I can’t react fast enough to this stuff. Douchecanoe starts a bad thing – cool folks turn that thing on its head – all before I can even figure out the original bad thing.

    Double yeeeesh.

  6. I was arguing for a while with a guy who turned up in one of the threads wanting to know what the fuss was about. When I explained what was happening he suggested we should all “just stop being victims” and go play with other people if we didn’t like what ole Urby was saying.

  7. I’m having the same experience, except…

    If I’m missing out on valueless toxic garbage, is it really “over” curation? Seems to me we’re doing something right.

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