Ran the one-shot here at NewMexicon and it was pretty fun! Learned a lot about how it’s different than the campaign play. I need to dig less deep next time and play more, although it was still a ton of fun. There’s always next time!
Also: first formal play date with Joe Beason, it’s been too long.
Brendan Conway Tomer Gurantz Patrick Riegert
Holy giant r-map, Beak-man
Aaron Griffin I’ve got strong R-map game
How did you get through creating that map, and how long did you play?
All that world building stuff was 90ish minutes, the slot was four hours.
…And despite your hesitance at spending too much time world-building, I think most of us players thoroughly enjoyed that part. I actually found the game superbly satisfying as far as setup and story. As always, I wanted more… but to me that’s just the beauty of a well-run con game.
1. What’s the procedure for creating that map?
2. How is it used on play?
No small questions, I know, but a lot of Swedish games are using relationship maps, mostly based on the last ten years of theory discussions. That’s why I’m curious. 🙂
Rickard Elimää there are numerous nested questions about aspects of the game, but the big sheet of paper is all me. I’m an advocate for that approach for various reasons.
I use it in play as a reminder of character and conceptual relationships.
I would love to see a procedural discussion about relationship mapping! Do it, PB
Aaron Griffin I will I will. I think…I thought I had but maybe without enough detail.
Paul Beakley we’ve discussed it in the past but it’s been a little bit more wishy washy