Not a good convention for just wandering and hoping to fall into a game. I’m not sure why! But I’ve been to friendlier events.
Not that RinCon is unfriendly! Not at all. There are just some con management/organizational tricks you can do that help floaters find one another. I don’t know those tricks but I’ve been to events (mostly small) where it was easier. Maybe wandering ambassador types.
Gotten in a couple board games! Finally played Tiny Epic Galaxies, which is very clever. I’ll probably pick it up at some point. Then a game of Libertalia, which I know well but I’m terrible at.
In lieu of actual promotional materials, or you know planning of any kind, directly pitching small press games works well. Time consuming, but very effective. I may have a Sagas of the Icelanders game lined up with a very nice family. I think RinCon could do Games on Demand extremely well, if they could get maybe three committed, strong runners. It’d solve the sad lonely floater problem! As long as someone is on hand to answer questions: the whole GoD thing is pretty weird to the uninitiated.
Meanwhile, I’m already sick of Chinese food. Tucson is a good food town, but the slot breaks aren’t long enough to take advantage of that. Maybe food trucks in the future? That could be cool.
Convention badges should have a flip side that says “*LFG*” so you can wander around and people know you’re interested at a glance.
Aaron Griffin That is a brilliant idea. I’m going to look into that for my next con…
I just finished up a game of TEG. I’m thinking there is an priming strategy for this game and mine was not it.
I’m playing a solo game of TEG as we speak inn your honor, as i am not able to go to Rincon ( but can see it from here if i squint).
Keith Stetson immediately spend the Culture to pump your Empire rating at the very go is the only one I’ve found so far.
Paul Beakley get your s!@# together and register on time! 🙂
I played some TEG on thursday and really liked it. Any ideas on how TEK plays in comparison?