I’m with you on Apocalypse Keys and Bladerunner. Backed both, regret neither.

AK would definitely be a great time with a group who is willing to explore the feels while hurtling toward the end of the world that one of them may cause. Even the one shot with strangers that I played was fun, based largely on the system mechanics themselves.

I’ve played and GM’d BR 5 times and I’ve found the investigations to be a lot of fun. I’ve used the random detail generation table that you mentioned to fill out some home-brew narratives, and they have added quality narrative crunch. I’ve found that building out an investigation similarly to the Gumshoe system (with Core clues, etc) is the way to go for me. BR can be very evocative of that cyberpunk/noir/neon-in-rain feeling, with the attendant downbeats so I think it definitely hit the mark. Hundred percent agree on the Starter box. It’s definitely massive and amazing and the place to start. I hope Free League continue to publish those.

Thanks for sharing your view of games. I enjoy hearing perspectives of game i’v played and especially those I haven’t!