Then I think it’s just the module-type content that does not click with me. Everyone’s enjoying what emerges from the travel stuff and the on-the-spot creation. I can speculate as to why but I’m not psychic. But good grief, I try and dig into the module-style materials in Raven’s Purge or whatever and I just stall out.
One funny thing was when a bunch of players — there were five at the time — started interrogating me about just how it is this NPC maintains power and authority over this tiny town. And I’m like…tradition? And they start pushing back on that. So I start digging, digging, digging into the material at hand. It’s not addressed (I don’t think) and then I’m like…I could make up an answer but that’ll most likely contradict something else later on. It happens with depressing regularity when I try to use pre-made stuff.
I suspect the Forbidden Lands adventure site materials themselves are just not that good. And that’s fine, because the rest of the game can do the heavy lifting.