Pressure…so much pressure…gotta book my shit today…

Pressure…so much pressure…gotta book my shit today…

Ehhh screw it, I’ll just do GOD slots where I don’t have —

Wait a minute. Is that Steve Hickey’s Soth? Being run by Jeremiah Frye, upon whom I have not laid eyes since forever?


It is literally my only requested event.


0 thoughts on “Pressure…so much pressure…gotta book my shit today…”

  1. I really enjoyed playing Durance with Colin Fahrion a couple years ago at BBC (the game you were also in!) so that’ll be cool. I follow Monte Lin but I’m not sure we’ve actually met. And I don’t know Kevin yet.

  2. Goddammit, I want to play in that game so bad.

    Monte Lin is a good friend of mine, and a fantastic dude.

    At least I’m running my playtest during that time, which should, humbly, redefine the genre.

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