I founded the Indie Game Reading Club in 2010. I've written and developed RPGs since the mid-90s, now I mostly talk about playing them. View all posts by Paul Beakley
0 thoughts on “Packing for a con always feels like Christmas to me. #RinCon2018 here we coooome.”
Still no sign of print versions of S&V at my FLGS. Bumming me out.
Huh, that’s too bad! It’s really fun.
I’ve been happily reading your play reports! I guess I’m happy to wait. I’m in a game of Masks right now, and one of my crowd wants to run the generic FFG rpg, which I anticipate hating, but everyone else seems excited for it.
Still no sign of print versions of S&V at my FLGS. Bumming me out.
Huh, that’s too bad! It’s really fun.
I’ve been happily reading your play reports! I guess I’m happy to wait. I’m in a game of Masks right now, and one of my crowd wants to run the generic FFG rpg, which I anticipate hating, but everyone else seems excited for it.
What all games did you pack?
Those two.