ItO is by Chris, not mine. I’m the humble publisher. I repeatedly tried to have Adventure Fantasy Game (my old school game, mostly stat compatible but with very different mechanics) reviewed and put in that handbook but Brent never cared to. So maybe I’m not OSR enough to judge his criteria?
As for the bucket being too big or not, I’m not sure. I’m not sure about wanting to talk about it.
What I know though is that the ideological rift might be partially due to hipsterism: the literal same people that in the nineties ranted that dnd is not an RPG and clogging the shelves of rpg shops, nowadays rant about dnd being racist and clogging the shelves of rpg shops. Or how the OSR self sabotages by ignoring forty years of gaming innovation. Or how any game where the gm keeps secrets or has a tinge of oppositional play is inherently abusive.