Meanwhile Johnstone Metzger​ is somewhere in Canada hiding behind a wall of Space Wurm vs Moonicorn cases wondering…

Meanwhile Johnstone Metzger​ is somewhere in Canada hiding behind a wall of Space Wurm vs Moonicorn cases wondering why folks are ranting about him all over gamer media.


0 thoughts on “Meanwhile Johnstone Metzger​ is somewhere in Canada hiding behind a wall of Space Wurm vs Moonicorn cases wondering…”

  1. Sell the pitchforks and buy my books instead?

    It’s really not that big a deal if people just correct their mistake and move on. Shit happens, whatever. I don’t think anybody is going to actually get me and somebody else mixed up. And Paul got to make a joke and we got to have a few laughs. See? Sliver lining.

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