I’ve read enough Russian novels* that I often find myself reaching for the patronymic in play even though most of…

I’ve read enough Russian novels* that I often find myself reaching for the patronymic in play even though most of the PCs don’t have one. So I made up a little sheet that lists a bunch of the most common ones (lifted from the State Department’s Russian embassy site, thanks guys!) and bundled that with a one-page handout that gives a bit of background on the youth organizations Night Witches PCs might have belonged to growing up, as well as a short note on the difference between comrade and citizen in ordinary use. Neither is necessary, but on the odd chance you or your fellow gamers like a little extra background, have at them!

*Well, War and Peace a bunch of times, Anna Karenina twice, and The Master and Margarita which I highly recommend for a wry look at this period.


0 thoughts on “I’ve read enough Russian novels* that I often find myself reaching for the patronymic in play even though most of…”

  1. Thanks for sharing that around for me, Paul. FYI an earlier version of the patronymics handout referenced The Americans as an example of the First Name + Patronymic = Respectful But Friendly form of address 🙂

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