It will come as no surprise to you, oh wizened masters of the word, that a book is a living thing…
stands and drools
Wizard Burnerrrrrrrrrrr
wut no spiders wtf
Cry me some spider tears Beakley!
I would if I had spider cryer lifepaths waaah
You still have monster burner, you can cryingly burn yourself one.
Dro I hope you know I’m 100% kidding about the spider debacle. Jeez.
Are you telling me to go spin my butt webs elsewhere?
I need to go make a comment on the campaign page that I’m taking my business elsewhere unless they rename it KÖDEX.
This thread makes me very happy.
Mark Delsing Your lack of umlauts disturbs me.
Definitely a missed opportunity.
Stööd und drööl