If I could pick any real-world superpower related to gaming I think it would be the ability to draw.

If I could pick any real-world superpower related to gaming I think it would be the ability to draw.

That’s it. Full stop.

(I really don’t want to go through the work to develop that skill! I just want to wake up with it one day. My stack of how-to-draw books is bigger than my ambition to take it on.)

My non-gaming superpower would be the ability to speak any language.

0 thoughts on “If I could pick any real-world superpower related to gaming I think it would be the ability to draw.”

  1. Oh yes, me too about drawing. I so wish I could conjure the visuals in my head to the page.

    But my non-gaming superpower would be teleportation.

  2. I’d want something akin to “Be able to tell a grand (for a given value of grand) story.” With it would come a better grasp of vocabulary and technique. Me no speaky well in flesh space.

  3. I’ve been saying for years that I wouldn’t sell my soul to be able to draw, but if I were selling my soul anyway I’d throw in the ability to draw as lagnaippe.

  4. Mine would be being able to actually run prewritten adventures. There’s so much good stuff out there and I have no idea how to get that stuff onto the table.

    I’ve been lucky with artists though. I can’t draw, but I’ve had both a comic book artist and an animator in my groups over the years. And I’m looking forward to gaming more with Alex Mayo and Greg David, who can both draw like it’s no big deal.

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