Okay so that I’m clear:
Procedurally, I might first Foster Emotion (fear) as things start to turn bad, say — the characters are walking into an obviously bad situation, say, or an NPC shows up with an obvious intent to cause real trouble. It’s a soft move so it doesn’t lead to direct in-fiction consequences per Threaten or Seize. And after the emotion has either been fostered or reacted to, then the GM’s next move might be Threaten Violence? The emotional moment has come and gone and now either you’re reacting to the threat or taking the harm?
Evaluating an emotional reaction feels like a whole other challenge. I can already hear arguments coming from my players about thus-and-such action they take being done “with rage” or “because of my grief” or whatever. Like…when would they ever opt to “be stoic?” I don’t know whether to assume that the players will know I’m making a move to which they need to react emotionally. Normally (!) one does not announce GM moves, but so much in this game contravenes “normal” PbtA/AW assumptions.