One place where I think there actually could be some clarity in the text is that you can set up difficult conflict-y scenes, and then use other scenes to resolve them. Like we ran into an ambush in the pass, and I had my guy take an arrow and was “injured.” And it stopped there. But I felt hesitant to get us into deep water, like, ohnoes the bandits have captured the Magus! or whatever. You imply, ish, that that’s something that can happen but I didn’t at all feel confident in how one might resolve that.
And I do get that that’s kind of the point of your approach! But I don’t know…maybe an example to set that expectation? I greatly prefer having all my tools available to me on my first play rather than dredging up best practices via social media.
The matter of establishing psychic (?) safety for exploration is kind of a different subject.