Interesting! I think it would have been useful to have seen this in the rulebook. I didn’t have any expectations set other than “2+ hours” or whatever it says on the box, so I really wasn’t sure how long a location might/should look like.
I’d very much like to play again, with a close eye on careful calibration of the play time. And like I told Kelley Vanda in her own Fall thread, we totally didn’t ask questions amongst ourselves. Not a fault of the rules text, just habit (they always play, I always GM). I think that would require much longer scenes.
Hey so Ross Cowman while I have you in the thread: there are locations that have only three narrative spots (like the Glow itself). That’s on purpose? I don’t recall reading a rule that said you couldn’t share a spot, but I think we played that way anyway and who knows why. I suppose if characters can share a location then my question is moot. But if they can’t, is the idea to kind of push folks through those spots a little faster?