Dungeon World
Green Law of Varkith
Brendan Conway name-drops Mieville’s Bas-Lag and Vandermeer’s Ambergris in his inspiration graf? Oh my word.
Straight to the top of my to-play pile if/when I get around to actually taking Dungeon World out for a spin.
Tell Brendan Conway to stop writing great stuff because I don’t have time to steal all of it.
This looks pretty awesome!
Let this be your entry to online gaming, Paul. ‘Cause I wanna play, too, and so does Shervyn von Hoerl.
Yesssss! This was the game I backed the KS for!!
They are all awesome, Shervyn von Hoerl, and that despite my drawings. 😀
Juan Ochoa I bought into the art from the beginning. And support Brendan all the way. But the Green Law of Varkith made me giggle with glee.
I just crib his awesome writing for stuff to throw into my campaign 😀