

I’m getting in this evening 630ish, which means I’ll be around Friday morning before stuff really gets started. Who wants to do something? I’m thinking about bringing some additional games, could run a thing in the morning or play a boardgame or whatever.

I’m also formally not scheduled for the 2-6 block.

0 thoughts on “BigBadCon”

  1. Me and V will be at the hotel later in the evening … 8 or 9ish … and then we have an offsite breakfast date at 10AM Friday, you’re welcome to join us for that.

  2. I’m coming into the airport at 8:30 am Friday morning. Not sure how long it takes from there to the hotel. But if you are gathering somewhere, I’ll join in when I get there 🙂

  3. I’ll be at the hotel later this afternoon, but I’m not sure what I’m doing at any given point; I’m just flying by the seat of my pants!

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