Ground Floor and Copper Country flirts with that. Neither calls it out specifically but its there.

In Ground Floor, a pretty reasonable thematic Euro-style business sim, you are quite literally treating people, information, and money as currencies to be converted between…and people are reduced completely to “time” aka labor hours available. As in, I need more information about my competitors, do I spend money to buy that information or do I spend time to have my own people collect it. There are certain times in the game where reducing people to units of time is a thing that has caused players to look at each other.

Copper Country is a thematic Euro about mining in the Michigan UP. You do various things like build shaft houses to increase the productivity of a mine, but when you mine you take a “poor rock” bit from the turn track and place it on an adjacent space, reducing the productivity of the mine (I.e. it’s being mined out) while advancing through the eras towards end game. The mechanism is quite literally one of filling up the landscape with giant slag piles. You also hire workers, put them to work in shifts and are often presented with the game option to get nothing, or successfully mine copper at the expense of losing the miner…who the game history text takes care to point out is probably one of the poor immigrants who were given the shitty dangerous jobs the white Americans didn’t want.