I have a ridiculous number of games I want to play and I want to play them all right now.
But holidays, amirite? Just impossible to get folks together in any predictable way. So I’m planning and thinking and mostly getting ready for a slew of one-shots until the end of the year.
My process is ridiculous and overwrought. It’s a combination of mixing up rules styles (mostly this means bouncing between PbtA and not-PbtA), mixing up genres, and servicing the preferences of my players. Mostly my players are totally awesome and flexible. Occasionally they lie to me.
One-Shot Candidates
Uncharted Worlds — leaning toward this next
Ryuutama — or this
Meridian (4-5p)
Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine
The Warren
Montsegur 1244 (6p! My locals have never played!)
Soth (4-5p)
Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
3+ Session Candidates
The Clay That Woke
Space Wurm vs Moonicorn
Wrath of the Autarch
Burning Wheel (but for fuck’s sake let someone else run this)
Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
Night Witches (I want to run the full campaign so bad)
…and maybe pick up The One Ring again at some point
Come on 2017, let the extended games begin again. #gamestoplayin2017
AW 2!!!
This is my life year round. Finally found a good gaming place that isn’t too far away so I can meet my gametester responsibilities. And probably a half gig of stuff to still read.
I’ve got that same Character Naming Sourcebook.
And you’re going to have some Kickstarters deliver before you get to all of them.
US? I see US in that pic. When’re we playing US?
This is an excellent naming reference if you can find it for a fair price: amazon.com – People’s Names: A Cross-Cultural Reference Guide to the Proper Use of Over 40000personal and Familial Names in Over 100 Cultures: Holly Ingraham: 9780786401871: Amazon.com: Books
That Chuubo’s is a bit of a beast, isn’t it?
Let me know what you think of Uncharted Worlds. From the +1 Forward podcast it seemed too fiddley to me with many of the moves making it seem too much like D&D in space. (But I haven’t read the game).
Are we making these lists now? #gamestoplayin2017
I played Soth about a year ago (I think with 6 players?) And it went for like 7 hours. It was epic. All hail Soth!
I love how Chuubo’s dwarfs everything else on that shelf.
I have a similar laden bookshelf (OK, bookcase) of unplayed games. Chuubos isn’t even the thickest book on there.
Trollbabe is my big offender. It’s big but thin and softcover. I can’t put it with the hardcovers, those are mostly trad games! Heaven forbid
Me too. In fact, pretty much my whole RPG bookshelf suffers from that fate.
This is one of three shelves actually, all packed. Couldn’t figure out a good angle to shoot at. I need a wide angle lens for my phone.
I honestly never thought I’d see you post shelf porn, Paul.
After we focused-grouped it last week, I checked in with branding and they passed it down to the boys in legal. Everything checked out.
Online games my friend 😉 secret that fills out my in-between sit downs. Also I need to find where to get a copy of Chuubos. James sold me on it at BBC.
(you gotta edit that hashtag in the post!)
(what’s up with the hashtag?)
They’re being pedants Paul, it’s about how noncaps makes words mean different things. #whichgamesyouplayin
Hashtag memes are a thing here in 2016. Remember the like “last five jobs” or that horrible horrible “indie game a day” one?
Game stop playin 2017 is a request that noted hip-hop artist The Game stop his musical output in the coming year. 😀
I would SO be down for driving to arizona if you are running Chuubo’s, Paul.
I’m so confused.
I put Aaron’s hashtag into my post exactly as he typed it in my comment thread. What am I doing wrong?
Paul Beakley I’m sorry. My second comment was made when I still didn’t see the tag added to your post. I imagine you added it before I commented and now we’re just cross talking and confusing each other?
Just messin Paul Beakley
What part of Arizona….?
Stephanie Bryant Tempe.
Nicholas Hopkins there’s always a guest room here for you!
Chuubo’s or Godbound. I’m there, Paul Beakley!
Only Tempe, huh? (am I willing to drive 7 hours for Chuubos….?)
Stephanie Bryant you’re Las Vegas, yeah?
I’m finding myself wanting to know how to play games without reading them. Please just download Uncharted Worlds and The Veil into my brain so I can see if I will like them.
Keith Stetson me too. I screw that up every time though.