Deep Dive: A|STATE

We’re deep into a campaign of Handiwork Games’ second edition of a|state here with no signs of stopping. I was just about to leave Forged in the Dark games behind but a|state convinced me to stick around awhile long. Let’s dig into how a|state redeemed FitD for me. a|state is available in PDF from DriveThruRPG… Continue reading Deep Dive: A|STATE

A Tale Of Two (and a half) Trophies

When is a game “published” anyway? Is that even the right word these days? “Released?” I’m old-fashioned. In my dumb head, a game isn’t really out in the world until there’s a dead-tree book available for purchase. Even if 80% of my new game purchases are PDF. Like I said: dumb head. There are two… Continue reading A Tale Of Two (and a half) Trophies

(Not A) Trophy Gold Review: Guest Column

This is ostensibly a review of Trophy Gold from Jesse Ross (Hedgemaze Press) and Gauntlet Publishing. But it’s not a very good review. It will not rate the cover art (okay) or the quality of the rules (great, actually) but instead, it will say some slightly pretentious things and then end abruptly. I didn’t get… Continue reading (Not A) Trophy Gold Review: Guest Column

In-Person Gaming Got Weird (Again)

I went to my first major in-person convention this past weekend since 2020 and it was, as you might expect, really weird. But I got to run and play a lot of mostly new-to-me RPGs. I attended Forge Midwest in Madison, WI back in April, but that’s a pretty small event. 30ish people maybe? Two… Continue reading In-Person Gaming Got Weird (Again)

Bundle of Holding: 10 Quick Reviews

So what’s in that big indie Bundle of Holding, anyway? I spent $24 to find out. Here’s a quick rundown based on my quick read-through of every title. Normally I only like to write about things I’ve played, but time’s running out on this. Girl Underground A late-generation PbtA game about a girl and her… Continue reading Bundle of Holding: 10 Quick Reviews