Your Daily High Frontier
Four players! One noob one semi-noob.
It’s a real trip, having lots of the game’s patent cards in circulation.
Your Daily High Frontier
Four players! One noob one semi-noob.
It’s a real trip, having lots of the game’s patent cards in circulation.
Heh guy on the left looks super pissed
You have a lot of work ahead of you if you want to stop your kids from being exposed to profanity. The world is swimming in it. People who use it have been shown to be more honest than those who do not.
The study can be found here gsb.stanford.edu – http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/sites/gsb/files/publication-pdf/profanity.pdf
You are my hero Paul Beakley
Current situation: I’ve moved my Bernal into the asteroid belt, industrialized everything I can see, and now I’m gearing up for a blistering slingshot past Jupiter into Saturn. Just fricking scream out there. And stick my flag into Titan.🚩
Glorious victory due to running out of time! Made it to Titan, scored on usual factory stuff.