Testing testing.
See?! Picture is fine if it’s brined in Photos for a few minutes. WTF.
Holy shit it’s fucked up here too. The preview was perfect.
They must be throttling resources to Plus. 😟😬
Testing testing.
See?! Picture is fine if it’s brined in Photos for a few minutes. WTF.
Holy shit it’s fucked up here too. The preview was perfect.
They must be throttling resources to Plus. 😟😬
My photos have been displaying funny here for a while. I found that mobile uploads on wifi were usually OK, but on a mobile network were badly compressed. But I haven’t tested recently, and this looks… really bad.
i’ve seen a couple people complaining about this recently.
Yet, scrolling through my timeline, the other 3 original photos I’ve seen all look like they uploaded fine. I’ll try to replicate.
All mobile sharing seems fucked, mobile data or wifi. My tablet managed it last night, but my phone can’t.
Desktop is fine.