Six player Fief is serious business.
I think this was my first go at a full six player game of this. Intense, really intense. Secured the King early with lavish promises, including a marriage to a completely terrible Queen. But then the Queen got killed in a skirmish the next round, so on the rebound I proposed marriage to her murderer! Worked out great, secured a good ally. Damn near lost to an unmarried faction, and it took luck and a full court press to win our game of thrones.
Love this game to pieces but it makes my stomach hurt.
I really want to try it! Seems like the type of game where I couldn’t handle the pressure, though.
I haven’t tried this yet in 6 players. Must feel good
Oh, good idea stacking the troops on top of the towers!
By the way, this looks incredibly better with the plastic buildings. I can’t wait to try the expansions. Especially the crusading orders (only because they make warfare much more violent)
Oh yeah it is so gorgeous on the table. Really spectacular. Metal money too. I think I spent close to $200 on this ridiculous thing.
So far we’ve only done politics and tactics. I’d love to bust it ALL out since I have even more little plastic buildings to deploy.
Those commanderies. And the carolingian coins.
Played this with three on Friday night just to learn the rules. Can’t wait to play it with a full crew to see the full game in action!
(I didn’t go in for the metal money and minis though)
D’aww the plastic buildings are awesome. Where’d you get ’em?
Drew U they were an upgrade to the game when it kickstarted