I founded the Indie Game Reading Club in 2010. I've written and developed RPGs since the mid-90s, now I mostly talk about playing them. View all posts by Paul Beakley
6 thoughts on “Seafall”
how does it play? also, is it playable after you’re done with the campaign?
Paolo Greco plays…great? Pretty good? It’s a legacy game so the legacy stuff is the fun part. We haven’t unlocked anything for…two games now so it’s just been the game itself. I dig it, but I’m not going to play it once the campaign is over.
Metal coins?
Still looks like the same game I’m playing and we’re on 4. How many boxes are left for you?
What is this game ? Looks interesting.
Moe Tousignant last box.
E.J. Freestone see the OP.
We just had an eventful game 5 ourselves. Whole bunch of shifts and suddenly a lot of enmity on the board. So far I feel about this game about the same as I feel reading Tolkien. It’s something of a slog but I’m hoping I’ll be glad I did it in the end.
how does it play? also, is it playable after you’re done with the campaign?
Paolo Greco plays…great? Pretty good? It’s a legacy game so the legacy stuff is the fun part. We haven’t unlocked anything for…two games now so it’s just been the game itself. I dig it, but I’m not going to play it once the campaign is over.
Metal coins?
Still looks like the same game I’m playing and we’re on 4. How many boxes are left for you?
What is this game ? Looks interesting.
Moe Tousignant last box.
E.J. Freestone see the OP.
We just had an eventful game 5 ourselves. Whole bunch of shifts and suddenly a lot of enmity on the board. So far I feel about this game about the same as I feel reading Tolkien. It’s something of a slog but I’m hoping I’ll be glad I did it in the end.