Preordering upside: it’s like Christmas when stuff you forgot you ordered shows up unexpectedly.

Preordering upside: it’s like Christmas when stuff you forgot you ordered shows up unexpectedly.

Preordering downside: now I need to remember why I thought COIN games were amazeballs a couple years ago.

I think I have yet another one coming later this year too. :-\

37 thoughts on “Preordering upside: it’s like Christmas when stuff you forgot you ordered shows up unexpectedly.”

  1. Actually I also backed Gallic War and A Distant Plain. Jesus, Past Paul, why so hot and bothered? 

    For serious tho, apparently Liberty or Death is intended to be their “other” entry-point COIN game, like Cuba Libre. I’m kind of hoping to (re)learn COIN from it, since Fire in the Lake is so ridiculously involved. 

  2. Past Paul is also having a hell of a time explaining to Now Wife about how he spent money he had two years ago and that, no, he’s not taking food out of Future Adult Beakley Girl’s mouth because he’s buying every damned thing that comes along.

  3. I have this one coming too. They also have a Pendragon COIN under development. Don’t think it’s been 500’d yet.

    But oh God, so much yes.

  4. This still hasn’t shown up for me, and I keep hearing from people who’ve found it.

    (Personally, COIN hits a bunch of events that don’t see much gaming, so I want to see how it deals with a scenario I have other games about.)

  5. Haha I just found it! No wonder Google paused a moment.

    It looks so much like Gallic Wars Falling Sky. Weird that they’d let two games loose in such a similar space.

  6. Yeah I am. 

    Fuck me that Pendragon game looks hot. 

    I hear someone screaming at me. It sounds like…it sounds like Past Paul! What’s that, Past Paul? If I back Pendragon I won’t have that money to pay for a divorce lawyer? Shh, quiet down, you. 

  7. Some things:

    -You don’t think COIN is amazeballs anymore? Why not?

    -I love games set around this time period. This might be my first COIN game. Looking forward to your thoughts.

    -Pendragon COIN? That sounds so cool.

    -We should hope that Past Paul and Night Macklin never team up. Who could take them down?

  8. Jesse Coombs I do! I think. It’s been maybe a year since I last attempted Fire in the Lake. But FitL is also super-advanced COIN. Bad starter. This or Cuba Libre would,I think, be more accessible.

  9. A Distant Plain will ship any day now for reals.

    At this point it appears they’re going to keep cranking out COIN games until it really jumps the shark with like COIN zombies or COIN Harry Potter or something.

  10. Like some versions of Axis & Allies, you’ll just combine the boards from different games and make them into one ginormous game. You will get to turn two before it gets dark and everyone has to go home.

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